Remember I typed about ripping my iris’ out after this year? Well, of the 42 iris’ I had painstakingly grown for years now and I mentioned only one bloomed? It had five flowers set to bloom. I went out and took a picture of one bloom yesterday morning. By last evening the high winds we sustained knocked my one and only iris down. I went out this morning and cut it to put in my kitchen. Bummer it didn‘t get to fully bloom. I'm destined not to have any iris'.
JD and I read two devotions today. Yesterday’s was about the United Nations. It talked about not all the nations agreeing on certain issues. Some say they do but practice something different. Of course the news reveals all the disagreements. Peace will come one day, when Jesus comes back. The bible tells us in the book of Revelation, “A vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language” will stand before God and worship him together. (Oh what a beautiful sight.) The other devotion let us know that it is Hug an Australian Day. Hugs can let someone know you care and you’ll stand with them. Hugs also say, “I like you-you’re ok” and “your welcome! We’re glad you’re here.” Hugs were even mentioned in the bible. 2 Corinthians says, “Greet one another with a Holy embrace.” So go ahead and hug someone today - it doesn’t HAVE to be an Australian.
Our bible reading today was out of Genesis, chapters 28 and 29. Chapter 28 talked about Isaac calling for Jacob before he went to Paddan-Aram (because Esau wanted to harm him.) Isaac warned Jacob not to marry a Canaanite women. Instead go to the instructed place and find a wife there. On Jacob’s travels he stopped to rest and had a dream about a staircase to heaven. He woke up that morning and tilted the rock he used for a pillow. He set up a memorial pillar and called that place Bethel. Then first mention of tithe was used here too. When Jacob finally arrived at his location he found a beautiful woman to marry. He agreed with Rachel's father to work seven years and then she could be his wife. But at the end of seven years the father tricked Jacob and gave the eldest daughter, Leah, first. Then, Jacob agreed again to work another seven years for the younger daughter Rachel. Then, it sadly ended with Leah producing four son’s for Jacob and Rachel zero.
The math lesson today was fairly easy but still complicated. It wanted to know what type of graph we should use for the data provided. There are five graphs we have learned about over the last week, and they were: bar, line, circle, histograph, and venn. He scored a 70% on the quiz. (Four more math lessons left. Yippie!)
The keyboarding lesson went as usual. I was watching him watching me. When I turned away he looked at the keyboard. When I looked away he looked at the computer screen. Every time I told him to stop looking at the keyboard he let out a frustration moan. I told him to do what’s right when no one was looking. Then after the lesson I told him these lessons could greatly benefit him in the near future. He can easy type his papers instead of writing them. I also told him when I caught him looking that instead of being frustrated he should apologize and try harder to learn the keys. He agreed.
Today we had a tornado drill. It was not nearly an entertaining as the fire drill in the past. We learned that we both don’t fit behind the couch and the closet in one of the spare bedrooms best suits us. The only thing I forgot was a flashlight and oh yeah...the dogs.
I started a poetry block today for the journal lesson. Today he started an alphabet alliteration poem. The rules to the poem are: write at least three words for each alphabet letter, each important word in the line begins with the same letter, and the format goes as follows: adjective, noun, verb. For example:
A - acid apples add
B - bad bombs blowup
I love the fact that the poems end up being nonsense poems. It took the pressure off of him. He thought poems had to rhyme.
The art lesson was about “Time.” He learned from art what people, places, toys, and clothes looked like way back in time. I sat with him through most of the lesson. It was kind of cool. They offered an art piece and asked a question about it. They set it up like a games show where one person told a fact about it and one person told a fib. It was JD’s job to identify the fact.
JD has 15 new spelling words this week. They are all four letter words. But most of them have silent sounding consonants.

Question bag...This is a grappling hook. I said graveling hook...oops.
A grappling hook is an anchor with three to five hooks (claws, flukes), attached to a rope; it is thrown, dropped, sunk, projected, or fastened directly by hand to where at least one hook may catch and hold. Generally, grappling hooks are used to temporarily secure one end of a rope. They may also be used to dredge for submerged objects. Historically, grappling hooks were used in naval warfare to catch ship rigging so that it could be boarded.
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