I do know she is 19 1/2 inches long, and weighs 6 lb 14 ozs and has dark hair.
The military taught me when you have bad news (EX: math meltdown) to deliver, follow it up with something positive. So here goes...social studies today was a blast! We hung our new 50 states wall map (that he found at the store and said we needed) and placed push pins on different states. Get ready...he created (WROTE!) a legend for us (without me telling him to) I know right? We sang the 50 Nifty United States song together at least three times, and finally did a USA puzzle. So while there was MAJOR bump in the road, we did have some great bonding time. He asked me to do the puzzle with him and I excused myself to go make us lunch. Before you know it I was down on the ground assembling the edges. He commented, "You know I pulled you into this right?" (Oh little Mr. Hyder...love ya.)
I love my gift from God and this job is GREAT. (I get paid in hugs, kisses, and "I love you's...even today!)