It was a good and productive day. We got throught all of our lesson and didn't get frustrated with each other.

The math lesson was so easy today JD asked why we had to go through the whole lesson. It was detailing all the labels of a table that records data. So we relearned the terms: title, scale, intervals, and frequencies. Unfortunately, we didn’t grasp the scale or intervals as well as we needed to and JD only scored an 80% on the test.
Today in science JD learned all about climatic zones. First we learned about the North American climatic zones and then we did further research on world climates. To label a climatic zone the climatologist look at the region's general pattern of weather conditions, seasons and weather extremes like hurricanes, droughts, or rainy periods. Two of the most important factors determining an area's climate are air temperature and precipitation. Then we learned about the Köppen Climate Classification System that was introduced in the year 1900 by the Russian-German climatologist Wladimir Köppen and is still used today.
I tried to make social studies fun today. Yesterday we did a review on the states. Today we did a game online to review the capitals. Our challenge to our followers is to go to the site select “capitals” and then “play.“ At the top it will name the capital. Drag and drop the star (down by South Carolina) and place it in the correct state. We would like to know how long it takes you to do this. JD’s first try took over 18 minutes. His second - 9:21 and his final try took - 7:12. I tried it right after him and got a 2:47. (Please play our little game and email back your time to
JD begged to do a language arts lesson in Time4Learning. Not only did he do one he did TWO on his own. The first story was a fable about how the tortoise has the pattern on its shell and the other was an informational story of crabs and their medicinal purposes for fighting human diseases. They were think aloud stories that teach children to read a paragraph and think about or question what they read. He scored 2 100% on comprehension. I’m so glad I didn’t have to concentrate on comprehension this year or last. I just have the dreaded grammar to teach.
JD has been reading a little bit of this and that. I finally talked him into reading all the way through his Star Wars book so we could do a book report. He read for thirty minutes.