Today is the last day of school before the Christmas and New Year’s break. JD and I are both very excited. (Maybe me more than JD, or maybe not.) We had a good half school day and then headed off to church to help out at the Toy Store.
The devotion was about the first one way street establishment way back in 1791. Can you guess where the devotion will lead? Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (This is where the devotion stopped and Cheryl takes over.) Street signs save us from a lot of trouble. Imagine going the wrong way down a one-way street. Can you say disastrous? Now imagine you ignore the one way to get to heaven that God provided for us…eternal disaster! It is only by believing in Jesus and asking him to be your savior that you will ever get to see heaven. Otherwise you’re headed the wrong direction down the wrong street. Being a good person doesn’t get you out of a traffic ticket and it won’t get you out of hell either.
The math lesson was all about line graphs and line plots. They both show changes over time. It was a fairly simple lesson. They showed us the needed labels for each type. One of the questions was the number of cups of coffee the teachers drank in a week. The lessons answer was 103 cups. (Hi my name is Cheryl and I’m a caffeine addict…Hi Cheryl.) I drink 100 cups during our school week. I’m not sure how many teachers were in the question but I’m sure none of them have a coffee pot in their classroom like I do. Smile) During our lesson JD caught a spelling error in one of the questions. It said, “Each read dot represents 1 student.” Jonathan said, “Hey they typed read not red.” Oh the little things that make me smile.
For language arts JD rewrote the repetitious prayer thing he ripped up Saturday. It was the letter to remind him of things to ask God to help him with and things to be thankful for. The three things he wrote for having God help him with were finding time to read the bible, to become the best student he could be, and to making good choices when he doesn’t want to.
Because of the Christmas Toy Store at church and the fact that it was the last day of school before our Christmas break we did not do science, social studies, or reading.