The devotion today was called “National Volunteer Week.” On Saturday my family of three will be spending the whole day at Wal-Mart handing out free hotdogs and witnessing to passerby‘s. Our church has signed up 80 people to take part in “Operation In As Much.” We’ll be dispatched all over Spring Lake doing various things. Back to the devotion…Christians shouldn’t need anyone to remind them to help others. Jesus said that people would be able to identify his followers by their love for one another.
The bible reading was still in Genesis. We covered chapters 30 and 31. Chapter 30 finally had Rachel’s maid and Rachel herself producing children for Jacob. Then, Jacob asked Laban (Rachel’s dad) to leave to go back to his own country. There was some discussion between Laban and Jacob about wages and the final proposition was Jacob could keep the speckled goats and black sheep. Then, Jacob assisted his flock to increase and get stronger while Laban’s flock did not. It was time for Jacob and his family to flee from Laban. Rachel stole her father’s idols, but God was with Jacob nonetheless. Laban followed Jacob and caught up with him seven days later. God warned Laban to leave Jacob alone. Laban was merely upset that he didn’t get to say goodbye to his daughters and grandchildren. Then, Laban set out to find his stolen idols. He did not find them, because they were hidden under Rachel. After some more discussion Laban and Jacob made a treaty with the lines drawn. They agreed not to cross the line.
The math lesson today was about comparing and translating data to a graph or from a graph. Basically, the same thing we’ve been doing for a couple of days. The quiz was tough because we had to start over again and we thought the data was the exact same. It was not and he only scored a 70%, but hey that’s passing and we were both okay with that. I know he knows what he needs to know about all five types of graphs.
We studied about the southwestern and the Pacific northwestern regions today in social studies. Nothing too interesting about the lesson other than there are small arguments as to where the boundary lines are for the southwestern region. We mapped the states mentioned on a blank United States map. JD also received three new states to look up facts on. Those states are: Arkansas, Georgia, and Illinois.
For the language arts lesson I had JD complete the “Inferencing” lesson. It was the second quiz in the lesson. There were two passages he had to read and five total questions to answer. I was outside mowing the lawn while he did this lesson. He scored an 80%.
Because of all the ups and downs with the internet today all I had JD do for science was check on his nail experiment and chart the data on his observation sheet.
So all and all it was a good day for us and I was glad to finally get off the internet for a while.
I don't remember Mad Libs magazine, but that does sound like fun. 4 out of 5 question is gooood