Today was an easy day. I turned it into a ¼ day because I had so many errands to run. The VA is really dragging their feet on deciding my VA case for disability. I am trying hard to be patient but my nerves are shot with this whole process. Apparently WAY back in Feb 2009 they scheduled me for an appointment. But I received no notification. Therefore, I missed the appointment and they denied all my disabilities. (Breathing.) So for one year now I have been communication with these people via phone, mail, and email to try to get another appointment. (Really? It’s that hard? Come on!) Every time I fill out the needed paperwork they only send me more to be filled out for the next step in the process. Meanwhile, I receive no tax free payments, no benefits, and no entitlements of a disabled vet like 90% of retired military. So the only two things JD and I officially did today for school was the devotion and reading the bible. I figured I can ditch all the lesson except those dealing with God directly.
The devotion today started out talking about fishing. It had JD imagine he was catching a shark with a rod and reel. Then it told the same story from the shark’s point of view. All the shark knows is the bait looked tempting so he took the bait. The next thing he knew he was caught. Then it transitioned into temptation being liken to the bait for the shark. It told JD about different warning signs to look out for and listen to. It said, “When you spot something that looks tempting but you think it may be bad, or he’s not sure, DON’T take the bait. Leave it alone and swim as FAST as he could.
We only read one chapter in Genesis today. Chapter 24 was long and told us all about the story of getting a wife for Isaac. The servant was instructed to go to Abraham’s old stomping grounds to look for a suitable wife for Isaac. Under no circumstances was Isaac to go to this land to look for himself. Once in Abraham’s old land the servant prayed to God that any girl he asked for water from the well would agree to give him water. Not only him but also his camels. The servant found a girl with a water jug. She did just what the servant requested to include watering the camels. They all (the servant, the girl, and the camel drivers and such) went to her house and explained God and Abraham’s plan for a wife for Isaac. The family asked Rebekah if she wanted to go with the servant to be Isaac’s wife and she agreed to go. (Can’t say I blame her. After all she had a fancy new nose ring to sport off. Smile) As I was reading this long story I wondered what it represented but I didn't really put much thought into it. says each story should be read three ways: propheticall, historically, and applicable. Turns out this is a story about Jesus finding his bride. I should have known that. (Duh.)
This is where our official school day ended. We did not do math, word bank, journal, music, or history. I’ve found in the past when I do have errands to run that I may have well ditched lessons verses trying to cram them in on the go. This of course made JD a happy boy.
We learned some kind of bad news while we were out. They are closing the Pope Air Force Base library 1 May 2010 because of Base Closure and Realignment (BRAC). It’s very complicated to explain the BRAC process. All I know is I’m getting tired of going onto Ft Bragg for all my military needs. The last time I drove way too far for my clothing sales needs. And every time I drive on Ft Bragg I seem to get lost.

We only read one chapter in Genesis today. Chapter 24 was long and told us all about the story of getting a wife for Isaac. The servant was instructed to go to Abraham’s old stomping grounds to look for a suitable wife for Isaac. Under no circumstances was Isaac to go to this land to look for himself. Once in Abraham’s old land the servant prayed to God that any girl he asked for water from the well would agree to give him water. Not only him but also his camels. The servant found a girl with a water jug. She did just what the servant requested to include watering the camels. They all (the servant, the girl, and the camel drivers and such) went to her house and explained God and Abraham’s plan for a wife for Isaac. The family asked Rebekah if she wanted to go with the servant to be Isaac’s wife and she agreed to go. (Can’t say I blame her. After all she had a fancy new nose ring to sport off. Smile) As I was reading this long story I wondered what it represented but I didn't really put much thought into it. says each story should be read three ways: propheticall, historically, and applicable. Turns out this is a story about Jesus finding his bride. I should have known that. (Duh.)
This is where our official school day ended. We did not do math, word bank, journal, music, or history. I’ve found in the past when I do have errands to run that I may have well ditched lessons verses trying to cram them in on the go. This of course made JD a happy boy.
We learned some kind of bad news while we were out. They are closing the Pope Air Force Base library 1 May 2010 because of Base Closure and Realignment (BRAC). It’s very complicated to explain the BRAC process. All I know is I’m getting tired of going onto Ft Bragg for all my military needs. The last time I drove way too far for my clothing sales needs. And every time I drive on Ft Bragg I seem to get lost.
Glad for a short school day, sorry for the
ReplyDeleteaggravation you are experiencing. Hoping Thursday will be a wonderful day.