Today’s devotion let us know today is Earth Day. God created the heavens and the Earth and said, “It was good.” Then he created things to fill the earth like: plants, birds, fish, grass, fruit, animals, and humans. His instructions to Adam and Eve were “subdue” the earth and “be masters.” He therefore expects us to be careful how we treat all that he created. (Okay, maybe I’ll start recycling.)
Today we covered a lot of ground in Genesis. We read chapter 25 and learned about the death of Abraham, Ishmael’s descendants, the birth of Esau and Jacob, and Esau selling his birth right for soup. Then in chapter 26 we learned about Isaac deceiving Abimelech, a conflict over water rights, and Isaac’s covenant with Abimelech.
The math lesson today was about “Histograms.” That’s a fancy way of saying “tally chart and bar graph to go with it to represent the data.” JD fully understood this lesson and breezed through it. The quiz proved to be more confusing or questionable. But JD still scored an 80%.
We went out of order a little today and did language arts next. I showered and let him accomplish this lesson while I showered for our lunch date with Jeff. The passage was about Mozart when he was young. He started playing the piano at a very young age and his dad used him for income. When Mozart became ill his father seemed more concerned about the loss of income instead of the health of his child. This lesson was designed to teach JD about “Inference.” He‘s already did the guided lesson earlier so today he took the second quiz. Just as I was finishing getting dressed I heard JD huff off. I asked what he scored. He very madly said, “30%.” That really means a 73% on the official printout.
Today for the email/snail mail lesson I had JD write a small letter for a special birthday that is coming up very soon. I dictated the letter and he copied it in his “best” handwriting. I don’t want him to loose the handwriting skill. He copied the letter much quicker than I thought he would. So off we went to our day with dad.
For civics today we went to Jeff’s workplace. First we went to lunch together and then we followed Jeff to his workplace. It’s a long hallway with many doors. Each door has different responsibilities. Jeff works in an office with two other men. We didn’t stay very long at all. At lunch we talked to JD about how boring it would be and Jeff joked about JD becoming bored after just fifteen minutes. I said, “That long?” It really only took about five minutes and he was turning circles in Jeff’s chair for entertainment. It was nice to see where Jeff’s new job was but I don’t see myself attending if they have “Bring your spouse to work day.”
Since we had the short trip to Jeff’s work today, JD checked his science experiment for the last class of the day.
Sounds like a very good day. Yeah.