(I know most of my readers are from the Appalachian Mts but I love my Colorado Rockies.)
Today was supposed to be a day off from school for public school, but Harnett County turned it into a snow/ice make-up day. I was also thinking since Friday will be a travel day that we should not get too far behind public school. This news did not settle well with JD. It started out good but once his bottom hit the chair for math the attitude button was engaged. There was no real reason JD could tell me for this negative attitude, but I strongly suggested he change the attitude for the second math lesson. It was all uphill from there. (As if trudging through four foot of snow with a VERY strong headwind.)
The devotion today was about Susan B. Anthony. She faced much opposition in her life but courage pulled her through every detail of it. Then it asked us to be a person of courage. We can do this by speaking up for friends and telling people about our faith even though it’s unpopular.
We are now on purpose three of the Purpose Driven Life book. Purpose one if you’ll recall was “Planned for God’s pleasure.” (Okay, that’s easy enough; make God smile.) Purpose two was “Formed for God’s Family.” (Okay, got it.) Purpose three is called “Created to Become Like Christ.” (Whoa! This is out of my comfort zone.) I instantly want to regress and say, “That’s too hard. Can’t we try something else?” The bad news is “No.” The good news is the Holy Spirit is there all the way with us. But, (there’s always a ‘but’ right?) but, we need to be willing to cooperate with him and his work in us. God uses multiple ways to mold this Christ-like character; they are: His Word, other people, and circumstances. I’m such an impatient person. It’s like I expect God to do a superwoman change on me. One second I’m “pre-Christian Cheryl” and the next “Christian Conquer the World Cheryl.” Forget the whole transition time from baby Christian to mature Christian. Just change me already! LET’S SAVE THE WORLD! Reality check…becoming like Christ is a long, slow process of growth. (Bummerrrr…) Truth be told, today’s study was so in depth I’ll need to take some “me” time to study it. JD actively participated in this discussion. It was like speaking to a young adult. (I love these moments together.)

Since JD was frustrated, discourage, and angry during math I used this opportunity to take a

New spelling words were handed out. They all end in “O.” (Raise your hand if you have a hard time spelling “potato.”) Ok, I’ll be the first to admit it. (I‘m stuck on the VP Dan Quail “OE?” train.) Tomorrow is a new day, and I’m so looking forward to it.
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