Something must be going on in JD’s body because he is struggling to get up in the mornings. (Maybe sleeping on the coach with the dog almost as big as you is not good. A boy and his dog. I love their bond.
Today was another day where we got started late because he didn’t get up when I called him. So we did not read the Purpose Driven Life. He will read independently again this evening.
We did do devotion though. It was about reputations. Like “Honest Abe” got his reputation for being honest. We Christians have to remember that our reputation reflects on God.
Math today was dividing fractions and estimating fractions to whole numbers. We went through both lessons and both quizzes. He scored two 100%'s. JD made mention today that "we're STILL in FRACTIONS?" I showed him we only had two more days of fractions and that we would soon be in Algebra. (Um, I think I want to stay in fractions.) While talking to that veteran home school mom I said, "Oh math is my worst." She confirmed my doubts by saying, "We're all relearning don't worry about it." I wonder as reader's do you know what I'm typing about when I say what we did in a particular topic. That's why I put in parenthesis what you know it as.
JD had fun with keyboarding today. He's now on Level 3, stage 7. That means today he learned "Y" and "M." There was a new voice that called out to JD when he hit the wrong key. It said, "Hey, over Here!" in a really high pitch. It almost made him make errors on purpose. I actually had to giggle a couple of times and then tell him to focus.
We did the edit and rewrite lesson on the website today. With all the problems trying to focus him today I really didn't want to struggle with getting him to rewrite his paper. Today the lesson showed him editing his own papers. Things to look for: spelling (we're working on that), grammar, and punctuation. When I designed our curriculum I just made it up. So having the website confirm I was on the right track was comforting. I guess today was a lucky day for JD since there was no writing involved.
The health lesson today was "I'm just so tired." I have the freedom of picking and choosing what lesson to pick or skip on the web page. So I thought this lesson was appropriate. It also enabled me to dig deeper into JD's mind. I asked what he dreams about. He said, "The scariest is the black, grey, and white that gets bigger and smaller." I don't know what that means in a dream dictionary, but all that stuff is like horoscopes Anything they say could really fit into your life. JD still has those night terrors where he tries to get free from the house or a person holding him. He won't wake up and stays scared for about 5-10 minutes while struggling to fall back asleep.
Today's spelling test did not go as JD planned. He only scored a 70%. I kept reminding him to study his words this week and he missed two days. I kept this official score to prove a point to him. (Maybe it's time to schedule a parent teacher conference.)

Tonight we are getting snow. Yippie. JD has been waiting for this day. Tomorrow he'll surely be on the skies begging us to find a steeper hill. And to top it off the Winter Olympics have started and he might just get ideas to ski off our roof. (Don't worry. I promise to be the voice of reason in the crowd of onlookers.)
Monday, 15 Feb is President's Day and since public school will be out I am hereby declaring a Faith Christian Academy teacher's work day. (Work around my house!)
Sweet picture. Glad there is no school on Monday!
ReplyDeleteHope you got enough snow to play....make your
voice heard!
algebra:( You both will do great.