I often wonder if my non-Christian followers see the significance in the joy I personally take in being a part of God’s family. I think I add the Purpose Driven Life reading so I can reach out in my own little way to those that don’t want to “hear about God.” I used to be the exact same way. In the not so distant past, I would think “I want my life just the way it is.” I didn’t want to change what I was doing, what I was saying, or how I was living MY life. I was after all a “good” person. Sure I broke some of the commandments but doesn’t everyone? Yes they do. But the truth is our punishment for breaking even one commandment is heading straight for hell when our number is up. I realized if I did the crime (breaking God’s laws) I would have to do the time and the time my friends is for all of eternity. At first I thought “How can I believe in someone I can’t see? How do I know this is true?” Then I thought, “What’s my other option?” After many years of searching and wondering I chose to step out in faith that what others were telling me about God was true. Some people say miracles don’t happen today. I would have to argue that statement. God changes lives and I’m a walking example. I simply submitted my life to God and he did all the changing he needed to so I could effectively witness through my words, my actions, and for all I know through this blog. I have done what God wanted me to do. I told you the truth about your near future. Now it’s up to you to submit your life to God. He wants you to be a part of His family too. To take part of His inheritance. If you have not accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior you are not his child. So when you tell someone, “Your in my prayers or I’m praying for you” then your prayers are not being heard. The only prayer my God hears of yours is the prayer of salvation. It’s very easy to become a child of God and it’s a free gift to all. First, in a prayer to God admit to Him that you are a sinner. Keep in mind that anything you do that is “not of God” is a sin. So yes, we are all sinners, even those that are “saved.” Remember to repent. That is to turn from those sinful ways and allow God to work in your life. Then, you have to believe that Jesus is God’s son and was crucified with your sins on his shoulders. He took the penalty of an eternity in hell for you by being the perfect sacrifice. Just like the whole garden of Eden episode. Adam and Eve tried to cover their sins with their own hands but God sacrificed a perfect animal to cover then. The blood needed to be shed. Jesus, the perfect lamb, shed his blood for us. This was to “cover us” so when we get to heaven and face judgment time Jesus will walk up to us and put his arm around us and say, “I covered her sins too Father. She’s with me.” I think the toughest part for me was saying it out loud that the child God made was so disobedient and deserved a life in hell for breaking His laws or commandments. But I confessed with my mouth that I was a sinner. I said I believed that Jesus was God’s son and died on the cross for me and that He rose three days later and still lives today. He’s seated right next to God. You can say whatever you want in your confession to God. And the best part is you don’t have to tell anyone but God. He knows anyway. He’s just waiting on you to personally say it.
You are each dedicated followers and each one of you means something special to me. I am burden this evening with typing this out in hopes that you might accept the truth and submit to God today. Please remember I won’t feel pain in heaven, but I’m feeling a lot of pain here on earth because I know I have not effectively shared the word of God with you and that means that I will be eternally separated from you.
You are each dedicated followers and each one of you means something special to me. I am burden this evening with typing this out in hopes that you might accept the truth and submit to God today. Please remember I won’t feel pain in heaven, but I’m feeling a lot of pain here on earth because I know I have not effectively shared the word of God with you and that means that I will be eternally separated from you.
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