The devotion today was about Ground Hogs day. Of course most people root for or have hopes for spring to come. Then it transitioned into putting our hope in God.
The Purpose Driven Life reading was about us being “Formed for God’s Family.” There are BIG benefits to being a child of God and they are: the family name, the family likeness, family privileges, family intimate access, and the family inheritance. Knowing that I will be with God FOREVER is so comforting. I love that God has changed me to be more like Jesus. I also find comfort in knowing in heaven I will be free from all pain, death and suffering. When I finally get to heaven I will be rewarded and reassigned a new position of service. And lastly I will get to share in Christ’s glory. In this economic time of struggles we should reflect on the promised inheritance and realize we are richer than we ever could have imagined.
I knew this day would come and I'm here to tell you fractions confuse me. JD seemed to understand it better than I did. We learned about "changing improper fractions to mixed numbers" and back again. (Um, what?) Then we had to find the least common multiple of fractions. (Ok, understanding now.)
Social studies was a fairly short lesson. We reviewed the map tacked to the wall. For each state I had JD see what picture the border made. He scored very well on the computerized flash cards. Only a couple of them tripped him up. This week he picked Tennessee, North Carolina, and Oklahoma to find facts on. He did this much quicker than last week. This time instead of sitting him in the classroom I said, "You have 2 minutes to write the capitals and come back." When he finished I said, "You have three minutes to find the nickname," This worked very effectively and adding movement to the lesson was a bonus on his part. (Woo Hoo!)

Language arts was also a short lesson today. He learned about cause and effect. It went very well. He still likes language arts the best I think.
In science today we reviewed conducting experiments and took a chapter quiz. He scored an 80%. On Monday we looked in on those coins we had setting in three different liquids. The water coins didn't change. The vinegar coins didn't really change. But the salt water coins turned green and appeared to have grown fuzz. (Yuck!)
He only had one piece of homework. He finished his Christmas in Camelot project. He chose to make a book jacket. I can tell he rushed through it but it's finally finished. I didn't just accept it I told him I could see he was rushing and would grade more harshly next time.
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