It was a frustrating day because I didn’t learn anything at JD doctor appointment, math was frustrating, and the AWANA and language arts took so long when it could have been written sooner.
JD had an endocrinology appointment today at 11:00am. The endocrinologist appointment was a briefing about the blood work that they drew 25 March. We did not see the same doctor this time. We saw an older lady that asking all the same questions I’ve answered three times already. Things like diet, exercise, and when this weight issue started. That’s our military medical system for you. The blood work came back with everything within normal limits. And thankfully they’ve ruled out Cushing’s syndrome. He has lost 3 pounds and grown 1 cm since his last appointment.
We got a terribly late start with home school today because of the appointment, so we had a short school day. The devotion today was about Mother Teresa who was nick named the “The Saint of the Gutters.” The devotion was loaded with all the merciful things she did and the mercy she displayed. I could list them all but I don’t have that kind of time. God made it clear long ago that mercy is right. Zechariah 7:9 says…“show mercy and kindness to one another.”
I combined the AWANA book lesson with the language arts lesson. In order to complete challenge 8:6 JD had to write eight reasons 1.) why he knows the bible is true 2.) things he knows about God, things he knows about Jesus, and things he knows about the Holy Spirit. He wrote two sentences for each topic today because he misunderstood my instructions.
The math lesson today was about estimating and calculating the area of polygons. In order to find the area of triangles and trapezoids we had to utilize the specific formula. Then we had to estimate the area of objects using a grid when the object was in net form or unfolded. We counted the full squares and partially filled squared divided by two in order to find the area. Then we relearned perimeters. And the last thing we did was find the area of a square inside of a circle or a triangle inside of a rectangle. See this is my problem with this type of math. At least teach things we’ll use daily.
We did not do social studies or science today.
I did have him read for thirty minutes though. He told me he completed “The 6th shot gun” in the Louis L‘Amour book. Yeah one down, many more to come.
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