It was an extremely busy school day and errand day. But it was a good day
The devotion today repeated this statement, “It’s supposed to be hard. If it weren’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. This is talking about loving those unlovable or extra grace required people. It is hard to love those folks, and not everyone can do it. But loving them makes it great! Love isn’t right only when it’s easy. Sometime it seems impossible but you’re not alone. The Holy Spirit fills our hearts with his love. He’ll help us do the right thing.
Today in JD’s AWANA book he completed challenge 3:7. It required him to do three things this week to show others how much he loves the lord. He’s been working on this for about a week and completed it today. He also completed challenge 7:1 where he had to recite 3 questions, six answers, and six verses. He’s my little preacher I tell you!
Today in language arts I had JD rewrite the AWANA assignment. He was to provide one answer and one backup verse to the following questions. How do I know the bible is true? What do I need to know about God? And what do I need to know about Jesus Christ? It was a tough start getting him to write that much but after a short break and a bribe of a Kinder egg he AMAZING finished a great looking paper. It was a completely full page.
Today in math JD relearned the following terms: face, vertices, and edges. Then he relearned the names for shapes of polyhedrons. They were rectangular prism, triangular prism, triangular pyramid, cone, cylinder, pentagonal prism, and hexagonal pyramid. He remembered the lesson from last year. (Better than I did.) And he blew the quiz out of the water with a solid 100%.
JD nutritionist called me back from last week. I was curious about low calories counts. I was not anticipating a 1200 and two 1600 counts but they happened. She said, “Yes, those are low. You want to keep close to 1800 calories.” So far we are just maintaining a steady weigh. He weighed 31 Mar and weighed 131.4 and this morning he weighed 131.2. This makes me happy. This is what the nutritionist wanted for him too. At this point we just want him to maintain his current weight until he hits his growing tall stage.
This reminded me to try to contact the endocrinologist again. So I did. This time I tried email.
After school we ran out to feed the cats we’re sitting. Then I ran into Spring Lake to pick something up from the church. I turned around and drove back to the cat sitting job because I clean her house once a week. I cleaned and sped to the house to change for baseball practice. Must sit down now…
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