Today was a good day. I really hoped public school was out today but they were not. I’ve been wanting to go hiking at Raven Rock National Park for sometime now, but we just haven’t gotten out there. The weather was beautiful today and it would have been the perfect day, but unfortunately we had school. (Bummer.)
The devotion today was about the George Washington “I cannot tell a lie” saying. This was apparently invented to create a better image of Mr. George Washington for the public eye. The bible warns of other people being fooled by what they say too. This caused the Galatians to follow different ways that pretended to be God’s ways, when in fact it was not God’s way.
JD gladly volunteered to read for 30 minutes for his next lesson. He’s enjoying “Light’s Out at Camp What-a-Nut.
The math lesson was another easy one. It taught JD about decimal place value. I’m not sure what was going on with JD this morning, but he was unfocused. I really think his weight has a minimal effect on his current dose of medication for hyperactivity. So the word of the hour was “Focus!” The lesson took longer than expected but he got through it fairly easily. He took the quiz and scored an 80%. He recognized his errors and pressed on.
We did a short language arts study today. I had him practice capitalizing and punctuating sentences. Then, I had him capitalize proper nouns and proper adjectives. He did well with this. As a matter of fact he did so well on the first page that I shortened the second page. Actually, JD came out of the house to find me and made this statement, “I’m not trying to be bossy or anything, but this is a lot of sentences.” It was at that point that I checked the previous sentences to make sure he understood the lesson and I rewarded him with only correcting the even numbered sentences for the second page. (smile)
Since today was Columbus Day it only seemed fitting to do a short social studies lesson on Christopher Columbus. JD knew all the pertinent facts so this made for an easy lesson. Little unknown facts about Christopher Columbus.
- His real name was Chrisoffa Coromba, which was later translated into English as Christopher Columbus.
- Columbus never actually set foot on the American soil; instead, he first landed on a deserted island in Bahamas.
- He was an opium addict which was not an uncommon trend in Spain with even King and Queen engaged in its consumption.
- No painter ever captured Columbus on their canvas. Paintings depicting Columbus are a work of fiction.
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