Thank goodness today was not grouchy day again. But I still got frustrated because he was goofing off instead of focusing. That was the word of the morning. Instead of answering the questions in the computer he goofed off until I said, “You’re wasting my time.” But overall it was another good day.

Math was about perimeters. That’s easy stuff for JD. For a square you add all the sides together…that’s the perimeter. For a polygon you add all the sides. For a rectangle you add the length and the width together and times that by 2 and voila you have the perimeter. JD scored a 100% on the quiz.
In science we did a review of the digestive, urinary, and sensory systems. We did ten workbook pages together. It sounds like a lot but we worked together. JD remembered so much more than I did. Most of the work was a picture of the systems and we had to label them. Then there was a review of what certain organs did for that system. (I NEVER want to be a nurse or doctor.) JD and I saw a plastic skeleton (Halloween) and a plastic twin that looks like a mummy. We plan to label them with the skeletal bones and the mummy will be muscular bones. (We have too much time on our hands right?) What better way to have a visual for JD.
I found a cool web page for the South America review during our social studies lesson. It’s located at We played four games to review the countries, capitals, landscape, and oceans/seas. It has three levels for each of those topics. We messed up a couple of times and redid a game or two to retrieve a passing score. The review was on both Central and South America. We’ve only studied South America, not Central America and some of those questions were on Central America. We scored an 85% on countries, 85% on capitals, 100% on landscape, and 83% on oceans/seas.
Language arts was a fairly short lesson today. I had him do two workbook pages. Page 57 was on present tense words like: fix to fixes. Page 59 on past tense words like: enjoy to enjoyed.
JD finished reading the small book called Rascal. We did not do the verbal book report on it today. We will do it tomorrow.
Glad it was a better grouchies around today. Goofing off comes naturally. Should be fun to label the skeleton and the mummy...good idea.