The devotion today was called “Toot Your Flute.” It had to do with tooting your own horn. Sometimes it’s difficult to work so hard and not receive any recognition. But the devotion reminded us that in His own time God will honor us for our works. After all isn’t His honor all that really matters? (That’s a tough lesson for me to learn. I don’t give money to a stranger and expect a parade or anything, but I do thrive on words of affirmation.)
The math lesson was fairly easy today as well. It was just lengthy. It was a continuation from Friday’s lesson about patterns. Today we charted the information given. Lets say it’s 5, 10, 15, 20. (5 is the 1st term, 10 is the 2nd term, 15 is the 3rd term, and 20 is the 4th term.) Then it asked us what will it be on the 20th term? After charting the information the way they taught us we figured it out pretty quickly. The 20th term will be 100. (I know you’re probably scratching your heads…but this helped us a lot today. We wished we would have know this information last year!)
Social studies was kind of painful again. I wished I had a 6th grade social studies book to teach from. (*note to self…order one!) I made a table of contents page for our six part South America folder. We will fill five tabs with various information. 1.) Facts and maps of South America 2.) The Natural Environment 3.) The People 4.) Patterns of Economic Development , and finally 5.) History. The hardest part of this is trying to locate maps or pictures for JD to look at. Just hearing words lectured to him does not interest him; pictures stick with him. Today we studies about vegetation and natural resources. We mapped each topic on the same map.
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(Cheryl's Adobe house in S. Amer.) |
The more I learn about South America the more I want to take my military retirement check and move there. (You can find us in an Adobe house in Columbia. Then, I can have all the coffee I want! Wait a minute…Jeff the dream crusher just reminded me of the drug wars. Bummer)
We started learning about the “touch sense” today in Science. We didn’t get very far before I realized I had to get a shower and get ready for my cleaning job. We did learned about the epidermis and the dermis layers of skin. We learned nerve endings are responsible for telling the brain if something is hot or cold and potentially painful. (Interesting stuff.)
I had JD try to do his reading while I was at the cleaning thing. The boy of the house was home because of a half day. So reading was difficult for JD because JD’s friend kept showing him things. I finally had to tell the friend JD was almost done with his school day once reading and language arts were completed. This was hard for both of them to stay apart, but they did until JD finished his newly modified assignment of writing only a few complete sentences and answering some of the other questions about the story. JD is done with the second literature story called Wolf. I like the workbook, but it’s geared toward younger readers. I think we’ll try another type of workbook.
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