We did our devotion and read some more in the Psalms 119. Then, we quickly moved onto math. JD and I sat through yesterday’s lesson. It was kind of confusing but when we wrote out the “scientific formula” it was a bit easier. Example 4.5 x 10 to the 3rd power = 4,500. Or 4.5 x 10 to the negative 3rd power = 0.0045. Lyndell and I both wondered what in the world we would ever use that for. Lyndell has a few more years of experience with math than I do and she made me feel comfortable and confident about my 6th grade math level. She told me in all her years, she never needed to know that stuff. JD and I breezed through the quiz this time and scored an 80% but in all actuality there really were two correct answers; we just picked the wrong one. (I can’t make this stuff up.)
Science today was a continued study of nutrition. Today we examined the nutrition labels on three different cracker brands and matched the ingredients to see which one was the healthier choice. Turns out Saltine crackers were the better choice, then the Food Lion brand crackers, and finally Ritz crackers. We did the same for Reece’s Puff’s, Crispy Rice (off brand of Rice Crispies) and Cheerio’s. Cheerios won, Crispy Rice came in second, and finally Reece’s Puff’s. We also sorted out if high or low numbers were good or bad for fat, sodium, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins. I knew them but some of them JD had a hard time with. Did you know you can pull the iron out of cereal with a house hold magnet. Find a flakey cereal with lots of iron. Scan a magnet over the top of the flakes. The black peppery stuff is IRON! (Though you might need that information in order to rest peacefully this evening.)
JD and I involved Grammy in our Social Studies lesson today. It was all about the British Isles. We examined different things about England, Scotland, and Ireland. We learned that gasoline costs .95 pence for a liter. To us that means $6.00 per gallon! We also learned Edinburgh, Scotland is 331 miles away from London, England. It takes approximately 5 hours to travel from Edinburgh to London via car. (That’s if the driver keeps to the speed limit of 70mph - Ah hum!) We also learned the island of Ireland is the second largest island in Europe and it is approximately the size of Indiana. It 174 miles wide and 302 miles long at their widest/longest points. We did all this in preparation for our European trip this spring.
We did not do an English lesson today. It was such a fun and compatible day that I didn’t want to ruin it. But don’t tell JD or he’ll be a sweet angel everyday to get out of English. The last thing I had him do was reading independently for 30 minutes.
It wasn’t long after that we headed off to football practice. According to Jeff JD really got in there a mixed it up a bit tonight. He’s also doing better at running the surrounding baseball fields. Yeah!
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