The day started out with errands. We did not get back to the house until close to 12:30 pm. We quickly ate lunch and started our very short day. Today I had JD take half the 2009 Texas TAKS Math Test. This will get him well rounded on the types of questions he may encounter on the assessment. The individual state assessments differ a lot from the North Carolina End-Of-Grade tests. The assessments seem harder. Of course I’ll be thrilled if he passes the assessment next week but my hopes are that he retains enough information to earn a commendable score. The good news is he will only need a 70% to pass the math assessment, but my hopes are for an 85% or better. He currently has all the objectives mastered but he’s getting incorrect answers by doing computations in his head or guessing, or making simple mistakes. Today he answered 25 questions and only missed 4. That’s an 84%.
We did three more pages in the English book. Today JD learned combining simple subjects with the conjunctions and, or, and but. Then, combining predicates with the conjunctions and, or, and but. And the last topic was combining simple sentences with the conjunctions and, or, and but to make a compound sentences.
We kind of went backwards today because of errands. So we read the bible last. We read from the book of Exodus. Chapter 3 was about Moses and the burning bush. That’s where God told Moses He’s heard his people groaning and wants to do something about it, using Moses. I don’t think I would react any differently than Moses did. He thought of every excuse NOT to be used. This is also where God introduces himself as “I am who I am and Yahweh” At the end of the chapter God also says he will cause the Egyptians to look favorably upon Moses. The people of Israel will not leave there empty handed. They will be given silver, gold, and fine clothing.
So while it was a busy day it was productive. I’m proud of the patience JD is showing through the mock assessments. Just a couple more days to go.
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