The devotion today started out “Merry Christmas!” Of course that’s because it’s April Fools day. There are also other types of deception out there that John wrote about in 1 John and they are called “false prophets.” Before listening to anything someone says about God, Jesus, and how to know God personally find out if that person believes that Jesus is God and human. Then check to see if what they say matches what the bible says.
Because we finished the Judy Blume book yesterday I read most of the Easter story to JD today. I started with Palm Sunday. Then, we explored the Last Supper from the meal to the washing of feet. The next reading was when Jesus prayed at Gethsemane. I love that he took the time to pray for us. And that’s about the point where I started losing it. JD went and got me some tissue. It wasn’t just a drip, drip, drip cry. It was take a deep breath and blow. Then, Jesus was arrested and questioned. And finally, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times. How I got through the rest of the reading is beyond me. It was about the tussle between the people and Pilate. Then, the crucifixion. We’ll read when Jesus is resurrected on Sunday. After all that Jesus is again “The Reason for the Season.”
The geometry lesson today was about moving shapes around. There were three moves discussed. There was translation which is when you slide an object up, down, left or right. Then there was reflection where you would see a mirror image of an object by flipping in over or up. The last one was rotation where you would turn the object clockwise or counter clockwise in degrees of 90* (¼ turn), 180* (half way), or 270* (¾ turn). They showed an object and asked us what moves it took to get it that way. This was very hard for us. We had to cut paper, draw the image, and perform the moves in order to answer the questions correctly. But JD managed a 100% on the quiz.
The civics lesson was called “Protect and Defend.” It taught JD about what functions the federal, state, and local governments provide. It taught him about national defense, property rights, and the protection of a competitive market so that one business can not be a monopoly.
We received a beautiful e-card today and returned the favor for our email/snail mail lesson. JD had fun looking at the different interactive e-cards and creating the messages for the “perfect” cards.
The language arts lesson had one passage to read and it had 49 “paragraphs.” JD freaked out when he started reading it and then scrolled down to the bottom to see how many “paragraphs” there were. Some of those “paragraphs” were one sentence long. The lesson was a Think aloud lesson. It was a level three, parts two, fiction reading about cat making fun of dogs. It must have been entertaining because once he got over the length of it he was quietly reading. (I was doing the dishes.)
We finished all of the above before lunch so I was really happy. We took a normal length lunch and went outside expecting another adventure but there were not to be had. “Shiny Black Butt” made an appearance but there was a verbal agreement on my part that we would leave each other alone today. JD asked if we were going outside to do farming (gardening). I went outside for just a little bit because it was hot at lunch time and for the most part I was sitting still in the flower garden just pulling those pesky weeds. The bee kept coming up about 1 ½ feet from my face to see what I was doing. I tried to get three pictures but it was too quick.
I really had nothing planned for science today and coincidentally enough a science program was on the Discovery channel. JD asked if we could watch that for science and I agreed. It was a show about primordial dwarfism. There was a “Tom Thumb” guy on the show. He was not a “dwarf” per say. His body and limbs were anatomically the correct size for his body. There are only about 100 primordial dwarfs around today. Doctor have yet to narrow down the gene that creates this type of dwarfism.

The geometry lesson today was about moving shapes around. There were three moves discussed. There was translation which is when you slide an object up, down, left or right. Then there was reflection where you would see a mirror image of an object by flipping in over or up. The last one was rotation where you would turn the object clockwise or counter clockwise in degrees of 90* (¼ turn), 180* (half way), or 270* (¾ turn). They showed an object and asked us what moves it took to get it that way. This was very hard for us. We had to cut paper, draw the image, and perform the moves in order to answer the questions correctly. But JD managed a 100% on the quiz.
The civics lesson was called “Protect and Defend.” It taught JD about what functions the federal, state, and local governments provide. It taught him about national defense, property rights, and the protection of a competitive market so that one business can not be a monopoly.
We received a beautiful e-card today and returned the favor for our email/snail mail lesson. JD had fun looking at the different interactive e-cards and creating the messages for the “perfect” cards.
The language arts lesson had one passage to read and it had 49 “paragraphs.” JD freaked out when he started reading it and then scrolled down to the bottom to see how many “paragraphs” there were. Some of those “paragraphs” were one sentence long. The lesson was a Think aloud lesson. It was a level three, parts two, fiction reading about cat making fun of dogs. It must have been entertaining because once he got over the length of it he was quietly reading. (I was doing the dishes.)
We finished all of the above before lunch so I was really happy. We took a normal length lunch and went outside expecting another adventure but there were not to be had. “Shiny Black Butt” made an appearance but there was a verbal agreement on my part that we would leave each other alone today. JD asked if we were going outside to do farming (gardening). I went outside for just a little bit because it was hot at lunch time and for the most part I was sitting still in the flower garden just pulling those pesky weeds. The bee kept coming up about 1 ½ feet from my face to see what I was doing. I tried to get three pictures but it was too quick.
I really had nothing planned for science today and coincidentally enough a science program was on the Discovery channel. JD asked if we could watch that for science and I agreed. It was a show about primordial dwarfism. There was a “Tom Thumb” guy on the show. He was not a “dwarf” per say. His body and limbs were anatomically the correct size for his body. There are only about 100 primordial dwarfs around today. Doctor have yet to narrow down the gene that creates this type of dwarfism.
Bless you for sharing your love for Jesus with