It was kind of a “threatening” day. The "mom has had enough" button was activated. It was everything from get up or go to be earlier, change your attitude or you will not go outside again today, and writing a snail mail note card or write 20 times “I hate writing.”
The devotion was about William Wilberforce and Thomas Clarkson’s tireless work to abolish slavery. It finally happened in 1833 when Wilberforce was on his dying bed when the Abolition of Slavery Act was passed. Like slaves back in the day we used to be slaves before we found Jesus. If we are without Jesus we are slaves to our selfish desires and sinful nature. Jesus set us free to live unselfishly for him and for others. It's rather hard to read the quote on the picture, so here it is..."It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1
We went to the library yesterday and I found a book that was one of my favorites when I was a girl. Its called “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” by Judy Blume. I love the way she write. It’s an easy read and very humorous. I read the book out loud today and we got through two chapters. JD thought it would be a “girl” book, but he changed his opinion and likes it.
I had JD do the language arts lesson solo again today. I showered so we could go to the church to pray with a daycare worker that was going in today for a breast biopsy. He finished the lesson up quickly and scored a 100%.

I have not been reminding JD to study his spelling words this week. Nor did we do any form of sentence hints this week. Practicing spelling words is really the only homework he has to do for me. Today he took a spelling pretest on 12 works and scored 58%. I’m trying to have him take responsibility for his work. It’s a slow and very difficult process.
The civics lesson today was more about where our “contributions” (taxes) go. It talked about the military, police, and fire departments. It briefly taught about defending the rights and safety of property and possessions protection. It never named the program but it also hit on government programs that keep a watch over prices and help to keep markets competitive so that there won’t be monopolies. I though the last part of this lesson was neat. It said the government buys up all the farmers extra milk and makes cheese out of it. Then they provide it to needy families.
The short science lesson was about accidental discoveries. They gave examples about dropping objects at the same time from the same distance then asking which one would hit the ground first. It also referenced Galileo Galilei from the 1600’s. He proved that objects fall at the same speed, regardless of their weights. The lesson taught us about air friction. This would cause a feather to slow down while dropping. If testing a book and a feather in an airless room they would hit the ground at the same time.
Because of the church visit at 10:30 we moved the schedule around. I had to shower in the morning and was unable to sit with JD during the normal geometry time. So we came back from the church visit, had lunch, and playing outside before doing geometry. This was a big no-no. If I move lessons around, have errands or doctor’s appointment during school time it messes JD up. The whole day is frustrating and confusing for him. Not uncommon for most ADHD. Anyway today we learned about solid figure sides if you will like: front, back, right, left, top, and bottom. They had a 1-D picture made of blocks and asked us to find it on the 3-D solid figure and identify what side it was. Sounds simple enough but we did not do well on the test. I won’t even mention the score. Once we figured out what THEY were calling right and left or front and back we did much better.
The last task of the day was writing a snail mail note. It really wasn’t meant to be THAT painful and the curriculum didn’t call for DRAMA. But it was present. I asked him to write a nice note that would fill up the very small card. I got three sentences. (!) I suggested other topics or questions but he was firm in saying, “I don’t know what to write.” I finally threatened him with, “Well, you could write ‘I hate writing’ twenty times. Wow, the small card was suddenly filled with letters. Amazing!
So while we had a bear of a day we still ended it with tender kisses and soft “I love you’s.” And that’s all that matters to me. (Smile)

We went to the library yesterday and I found a book that was one of my favorites when I was a girl. Its called “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” by Judy Blume. I love the way she write. It’s an easy read and very humorous. I read the book out loud today and we got through two chapters. JD thought it would be a “girl” book, but he changed his opinion and likes it.
I had JD do the language arts lesson solo again today. I showered so we could go to the church to pray with a daycare worker that was going in today for a breast biopsy. He finished the lesson up quickly and scored a 100%.

I have not been reminding JD to study his spelling words this week. Nor did we do any form of sentence hints this week. Practicing spelling words is really the only homework he has to do for me. Today he took a spelling pretest on 12 works and scored 58%. I’m trying to have him take responsibility for his work. It’s a slow and very difficult process.
The civics lesson today was more about where our “contributions” (taxes) go. It talked about the military, police, and fire departments. It briefly taught about defending the rights and safety of property and possessions protection. It never named the program but it also hit on government programs that keep a watch over prices and help to keep markets competitive so that there won’t be monopolies. I though the last part of this lesson was neat. It said the government buys up all the farmers extra milk and makes cheese out of it. Then they provide it to needy families.
The short science lesson was about accidental discoveries. They gave examples about dropping objects at the same time from the same distance then asking which one would hit the ground first. It also referenced Galileo Galilei from the 1600’s. He proved that objects fall at the same speed, regardless of their weights. The lesson taught us about air friction. This would cause a feather to slow down while dropping. If testing a book and a feather in an airless room they would hit the ground at the same time.
Because of the church visit at 10:30 we moved the schedule around. I had to shower in the morning and was unable to sit with JD during the normal geometry time. So we came back from the church visit, had lunch, and playing outside before doing geometry. This was a big no-no. If I move lessons around, have errands or doctor’s appointment during school time it messes JD up. The whole day is frustrating and confusing for him. Not uncommon for most ADHD. Anyway today we learned about solid figure sides if you will like: front, back, right, left, top, and bottom. They had a 1-D picture made of blocks and asked us to find it on the 3-D solid figure and identify what side it was. Sounds simple enough but we did not do well on the test. I won’t even mention the score. Once we figured out what THEY were calling right and left or front and back we did much better.

So while we had a bear of a day we still ended it with tender kisses and soft “I love you’s.” And that’s all that matters to me. (Smile)
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