JD reads his own book daily, but mostly at the end of our school day. We still read the Purpose Driven Life together right after the devotion. Today’s lesson was called “Sharing Your Life Message.” Once we became a believer we became God’s messenger. There were a few steps to writing your Life Message: 1. Your testimony - of how you began a relationship with Jesus. This is easier for nonbelievers to understand than a sermon. 2. Your life lessons - the important lessons God has taught you, because there simply isn’t enough time in our lives to learn everything by trial and error we should be learning lessons from the bible and not making the same mistakes. 3. Your Godly passions - the issues God shaped you to care about most. 4. The Good News - the Message of salvation. I personally don’t have a problem telling people the Good News, it’s when I get shut down I seem to be at a loss for words and I get angry that the person has a hardened heart. Imagine the joy we will experience meeting someone in heaven that we had a hand in leading to Christ.

With protractor in hand we tackled the geometry lesson. Amazing how easy it was to answer the questions with the right tools. It was measuring what degree the ramps were. We did the rest of the short lesson that we had to stop yesterday and onto the quiz. He scored a 100%. He’s all over geometry. He has mastered all the terms. (I wonder what he will be when he grows up.)

We used the email/snail mail lesson time to catch up on some school work started earlier in the week. We tackled the Lindbergh questions from a biography and we completed the research on Washington, D.C.
The language arts lesson was accomplished side by side so we could get through it quickly. I read the two different passages and he answered all the question. (What’s sad about my mind is I can’t recall those stories one day later. Maybe that’s why I write everything down and blog about our days. Smile) The lesson was called Theme and Main Idea on fiction stories.” He scored another 100%
We were rushing to get through our lessons today so all we did for science was check on out bread experiment and record the observations. No mold to behold.
I dedicated my "evening blog time" today to complete the second phase of the Lifeway writing assignments. The writers block was finally gone (whew) and I have researched "forgiveness" until I was blue in the face. (Breathing)
Jeff asked to review and edit them both if necessary. I wrote one 500 word article about Understanding and Relating to Children and a 3-4th grade Sunday School lesson on Forgiveness. That was the toughest one. It's four pages long and includes the bible story and TEN activities.
Pray...I'll be sending it to Lifeway in the next couple of days. Thanks for your prayers.
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