The devotion today was about being a courageous followers. Where would great leaders be without followers? Look at Christopher Columbus and General George Washington for instance. Then we have the greatest leader of all…Jesus. Would you have readily given up your life and income as a fisherman to follow Jesus? All he said was, “Come, be my disciples.” (I would have probably said, “And you are? Where are we going? What are we doing?”
We have now journeyed past purpose three in the Purpose Driven Life book. We started purpose four today. We are all shaped for serving God. The day’s reading was titled “Accepting Your Assignment.” It started out saying, “We need to find our ministry.” We were CREATED to serve God, SAVED to serve God, CALLED to serve God, and COMMANDED to serve God. Seems like most Christians have taken a sufficient number of courses on discipleship. However, approximately 20% of the church body actually puts that knowledge into practice. Again, this study says we will all stand before God and He will evaluate “how well we served others with our lives.” I hope I don’t ever answer “I was too busy or I was preoccupied with work.” Because He’ll say, “Sorry wrong answer. I created, saved, called, and commanded you to live a life of service. WHAT part didn’t you understand? Rick Warren listed many people in the bible who had potential problems or excuses like: Abraham was old, Jacob was insecure, Moses stuttered, Jeremiah was depressed, Jonah was reluctant, Thomas had doubts, Timothy was timid. That’s quite a variety of misfits, but God used each of them for his service.” Will he use you too?
Math was a fairly easy lesson today. It was dealing with metric weights. (Too bad we don’t use metric weights for only our body weights. All the women would be happy all the time. I would weigh 58.96 kilograms. Yippie!)
The civics lesson reviewed “competition in the market place.” This time instead of using lemonade examples it moved to burgers and fries. They reviewed the following vocabulary words: competition, incentives, monopoly, diversity, and consumers. There was a crossword puzzle in the lesson that he really enjoyed doing. He took the chapter quiz and scored a 90%.
Today for the email/snail mail lesson JD wrote a birthday letter of thanks to his my grandmother. We call her Nana. She lives in Massachusetts with my Aunt. She in her 80’s and just loves getting JD’s mail.
The language arts lesson was a quick lesson on writing the perfect paragraph. It discussed the need for a solid topic sentence and the three types of supporting sentences. You can use EXAMPLES (to clarify or explain), ANECDOTES (a story to explain), or DETAILS (like colors, shapes, feelings, etc). I had him pick a topic to write about. I could see the anxiety building. I had to extinguish any fear he had about writing the physical words. I just wanted him to think creatively. Once he knew I would dictate the anxiety was gone. (Again, what’s important here? Writing the sentences or knowing how to write the perfect paragraph? ) We wrote three sentences under the topic “Snow days can be fun.” I had him create sentences using all three types of supporting sentences. (Whew, averted another disaster.)
In science today he learned about “collecting, organizing, and analyzing data” from any research efforts he might do. This would help him support his experiments if someone else performed the same experiment and wrote about it. It also helps him with his hypothesis and conclusion. It was an easy lesson so he moved onto the chapter quiz and scored a 100%.

Sounds like a wonderful day. I'll keep my fingers crossed about the spelling test.
ReplyDeleteLove you guys.
Hi Cheryl! I have become a blog reader over the last two weeks. I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your writing. I always loved to read your very first Hyder Hearlds. You are a great mom and teacher,wish I had one like you!