We read two more chapters in the book “Tales of Fourth Grade Nothing” today. There are just two more chapters left and we’ll be done with the book. This book is really bringing back memories of the first time I read it MANY years ago. On another note, JD really likes comic strip books. He started reading a really big book of Peanuts comic strips, but we had to bring it back to the library. He also likes reading the Sunday funnies and comic books with superheroes in it. However, he recently discovered a very humorous comic strip called “Calvin and Hobbes.” It is all about the adventures of a boy and his imaginary-come-to-life-friendly-tiger stuffed toy. Calvin is always on the verge of making his parents mad with his antics.
JD loves Calvin and thinks his antics are cool and funny. It says, "Mom and dad don't value hard work and originality as much as they say they do. (Oh help me next winter.)
Geometry was not that hard today. I prompted JD with, “Geometry looks fun and easy to do today. It’s all about plotting on a grid like the army guys do.” Once we knew where the pair of numbers met we could find the point at which they were. The lesson expanded to us finding the point where the values were both inside the triangle and inside the rectangle. JD got a hold of the lesson quickly and ran with it. He breezed right through the lesson and then the quiz and got a 100%.
The social studies lesson was a type of review. Last week JD learned the regions along the east coast. The three regions are the New England states, Mid-Atlantic States, and Southern states. We got through this lesson quickly and he moved onto the chapter quiz. He scored a 100%.
Language arts was about interpreting charts and graphs. There were two passages for him to read. One was a passage about the Civil war and the other was about sleep stages. The questions were of course focused on what the information was in the charts and graphs. JD is doing so well with comprehension. He scored another 100%.
To day in science we sat together and read about different accidental scientists. We learned about Edward Jenner who invented the smallpox vaccine, Louis Pasteur who invented a vaccine against chicken cholera and invented pasteurizing milk, Elijah McCoy who invented the automatic oil cup for trains (also where the phrase ‘the Real McCoy’ comes from), and finally Marie Curie who died from Leukemia from too much exposure to radioactive material during her and her husband’s experiments with cancer killing x-rays. JD and I are both a little discouraged that our four slices of bread did not mold. Not one little piece has ever molded and the bread was already a week old when we started the experiment. But I’m relieved to finally have it off my counter and out of the refrigerator. Today was the last day to chart the results. (Whew.)
For the email/snail mail lesson I wanted JD to email Grammy. I wanted him to tell her about our “Queen Ant Adventures” while I took a shower. I told him not to send the email until I looked at it. One because I knew it would be shorter than an S.O.S. in Morse code and two I knew it would be lacking vital information. JD “accidentally” sent this email with no signature. “Ant problem, we had so many ants we ran out of bug spray, we had to use hammers. They came out of the walls! And they were queen ants. I saw them when I was going in, there were about 50 ants.” (That’s actually pretty darned hilarious now that I’m reading it out loud, but I just knew Grammy would be freaking out.) Her immediate response to this email was “WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!” (Still laughing out loud…ok she freaked out….probably thinking “Are they hammering down their walls and ingesting bug spray?” (That’s so funny. Tears…) When I got out of the shower I asked to see his progress. That’s when he broke the news that he accidentally sent the email. (Ok breathing.) I saw the email he sent. (Ok breathing some more.) We sat down to sequence the events, lengthen the writing, and add vital details. Here’s what we sent out. “This morning while was on break I saw so many queen ants. I saw them when I was going in. There were about 50 queen ants. I shouted to my mother and said, “There are a whole bunch of ants out here.” She ran and got the bug spray. We had so many ants we ran out of bug spray. We had to use the hammers next to us. The ants were coming out of the walls outside. We thought we had killed them all, but we didn't. My mom got a thing that was called ‘bug bomb.’ She sealed the area with plastic and turned on the bug bomb. Spray went into the cracks and the ants came falling out of the walls. And we were finally done. Jonathan.” (I’m still laughing thinking Lyndell must be thinking the ants are in the house chasing my baby around and their making holes in the walls trying to slaughter them.) Oh I needed that laughter didn’t you…?
Hope the ants are gone. Other than that sounds like a good day. Love good days.