So Jeff finally read the blog after he got out of the hospital. His comments were very encouraging. (He's good at that you know.) He then told me to "stop sitting on the talents that God gave me." He suggested I write for a living. I remember two years ago, I started to apply as a Lifeway Children's Curriculum writer, but it must not have been the right time. So I started the process again. Below are samples of what I submitted.
Questions for Children's (School Age) Curriculum Materials. Based on Mark 2:1-12, write a Bible story of 100-150 words for the age group for which you would like to write. * (5-6th)
Mark 2:1-12 - Jesus heals a paralyzed man
Jesus was in Capernaum preaching the word to the people. Four men tried to get in with their paralyzed friend, but there was no room. So they decided to carry their friend to the roof and lowered him to the floor on his mat. When Jesus saw this man he instantly forgave the man of his sins. The teachers in the crowd of people were wondering why Jesus forgave the man of his sins when only God can forgive sins. Jesus scolded the teachers for what they were thinking in their hearts and not saying. Jesus said, “I know what you’re thinking. What’s easier to say to this man? ‘Your sins are forgiven’ or ‘get your mat and walk away?’” This amazed the crowd and showed them Jesus was God. Jesus told the paralyzed man to “get his mat and walk home.”
Questions for Children's Daily Devotionals (More, Adventure, Bible Express)
Submit a sample of two devotionals of 50-60 words each for kids to use in a daily time alone with God. Use the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) and the following titles and Bible passages:
Psalm 100:1
Because God created us and loves us always, no matter what we do; we should love him back by showing thanks for all he does in our daily lives. We could start today by shouting to the world what a forgiving and faithful God he really is. So speak up and tell someone about your life with God.
Phil 2:14
As children of God we’re not suppose to grumble or argue. It’s hard not to grumble about taking the trash out, but we’re to strive to be obedient to God’s word. If you find it hard to clean your room without complaining or bickering with your parents then ask God to help you do it without the drama.
Questions for Magazine Articles for Parents (ParentLife). Write a 300-350 word article on a parenting subject of your choice. *
As children of God we’re not suppose to grumble or argue. It’s hard not to grumble about taking the trash out, but we’re to strive to be obedient to God’s word. If you find it hard to clean your room without complaining or bickering with your parents then ask God to help you do it without the drama.
Questions for Magazine Articles for Parents (ParentLife). Write a 300-350 word article on a parenting subject of your choice. *
(Picture taken Spring 2009. Not submitted to Lifeway as part of my article.)
Do you ever wonder what Hannah must have felt when she weaned Samuel and turned him over for God’s purposes? Just like Hannah, I asked for my son and I received him. At age seven he confidently accepted Christ as his savior. This to me, was the day I “weaned” him and turned him over to God. I often tell people, “Everything I learned about God I learned from my son” to include becoming saved myself. I read the bible, served in various grade school Sunday School teacher’s positions, attended discipleship classes, became AWANA commander, and ultimately flourished as a Christ like woman. All of this was to keep up with my son’s biblical curiosity, but most importantly, to help shape the Godly man who will go on to be one of God’s leaders like Samuel. Once your child accepts Christ, they also became God’s child. What we should take delicate steps in doing is serving as the main caregiver. Our responsibility is to foster our children’s God given gifts, talents, and abilities for God’s purposes. My son is now ten years old and well on his way to becoming God’s servant. Though we don’t yet know what his main purpose is, we do know he is being shaped daily. I become selfish when I hear him say, “I want to be an Army guy.” All the while I’m thinking, “Really? Are you sure about that?” At the same time I’m also thinking, “But he would be far away from me and he might be killed in action.” As Christian parents we need to come to grips with the fact that God created all of us individually at the right time and place and with the all the abilities and talents needed for His purposes. It’s our responsibility to guide, protect, and foster those gifts with all the resources God provides to us. Sometimes I do feel what Hannah must have felt when I gaze into the gleaming eyes of my “gift from God.” I also have faith that God’s purposes will be done.
Here's Cheryl's point of view to this "possible new career path"...If I get picked I get picked. If I don't I don't. Right now I'm just asking for prayer. Pray what you want to about this matter, but my stance is, if this is God's will for my purpose in life then I am a willing participant. Love you all...Cheryl
This is good. I am glad you are giving this a try. You do have a talent and you need to look
ReplyDeletefor ways to use it. God will open doors.
I love this picture:)